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The Magic of Cross-Promotion How To Do It Frugally Style

A Retrospective of the Doings at the LA Times Festival of Books

Monday, July 30, 2007

West Hollywood Book Fair or What You Can Do to Promote Your Appearnce EARLY!

All Authors' Coalition's efforts are cross-proportional. That means we all benefit from the promotion each of the others does. So here is what anyone participating in a book fair can do six to eight weeks out.

1. Ready your media release. Check my HowToDoItFrugally website for a list of media release disseminators. Click on the tab at the top of the page that says "Resources for Writers" and scroll down. You'll even find my super-mini reviews of each site. Also be organizing your local list of contacts. Invite everyone, even those who have already purchased your book. They may need another for a gift, and they'll want to meet your fellow authors.

2. Some sample media releases will soon be coming your way. Jiggle them a bit to accommodate your own needs but do include the names of other participating authors. That helps search engines pick up your releases more frequently and gives your appearance credibility.

3. Janet Goliger, one of our booth signers, has volunteered to let us use her flyer as a template. That, too, will be coming to you.

4. Go to the Authors' Coalition site to pick up your logo. Use it on your website, in your newsletter, on your flyer, on your book's order forms, on your posters, etc. The possibilities are limitless. Please link any logo used on the web to:

5. Begin thinking about your order forms. All those with signing times will have their books shown in the booth on special bookshelves. A bood business card or order form should be available for visitors to pick up.

6. If you have a poster from the last AC Fair we did in Los Angeles, I saved it. If not, you may want to consider making one to specifications. More on that later.

7. Please share your promotion ideas with others. Click on the "Comment" link below. It's also a good place to ask questions.

Anyone who is interested in those last couple spaces available for this Sept. 30th fair can reach me for details at

Very best,
Carolyn Howard-Johnson
And my Sharing with Writers and Readers blog